Wedding Photographers covering Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Avon
Danny T - Bristol wedding photographer
Areas Covered
Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Avon
About Danny T - Bristol wedding photographer
I’m Danny, I’m an early 30s guy, full of energy, creativity and driven to be the best wedding photographer I can be. I love working with wedding couples, making them look amazing and having fun. I take great pride in creating wedding photos that capture moments that mean the world to people – moments they can look back on and remember forever.I’m married to my wonderful wife Sarah. We share a special bond with our new son Alfie – he’s truly amazing and the most precious thing in the world to us. You can read his story in my blog post From Danny to Daddy.
I’m a nerd at heart and love gadgets and gizmos. If you’re looking for whizzy stuff for your wedding photos, make sure you ask me when I see you – and check out my wedding photo booth! I also like to collect the amazing inventions that helped me become a wedding photographer and have an ever growing camera collection that’s slowly running out of shelf space.
I have an unhealthy love for our two maine coon cats Buster and Seren. Buster’s actually a girl after a very poor diagnosis from me when she was a kitten. Still, she’s mine so she gets the most attention from me
Of course no nerd would be complete without bizarre hobbies. When I’m not working as a wedding photographer I’m an active breakdancer and street dancer – for pictures of breakdancers, check out Steve & Mel’s wedding. Send me an email and I’ll tell you all about it.
When I’m not being a wedding photographer, spending time with Sarah, reading baby books, trying out new tech, cuddling cats or dancing, I love to teach. I do frequent talks at camera clubs and private lessons and I’m love about passing on my knowledge on wedding photography to other generations.
To find out what I’m up to now, check me out on Facebook, my blog, Google+, Instagram or Twitter. If you’re looking for a wedding photographer, and even if you’re not, send me a message, I’d love to meet you.